A heart-wrenching incident occurred in Maharashtra where a 23-year-old woman tragically lost her life after accidentally accelerating a car in reverse gear, causing it to plummet 300 feet into a gorge. Shweta Deepak Surwase was visiting the Dattatreya temple in Sulibhanjan with a friend on Monday when the accident occurred. The incident was captured on camera by her 25-year-old friend, Suraj Sanjau Mule.
In the distressing video, Surwase can be seen reversing the car dangerously close to the edge of a cliff, ultimately leading to the fatal fall. The pair were among many tourists who had ventured to the Sulibhanjan Hills to take in the breathtaking views. Initially, the car was far from the cliff’s edge, but as Surwase continued to reverse, the car suddenly gained speed. In the video, Mule can be heard frantically shouting “clutch” repeatedly while running towards the car in a desperate attempt to stop it. Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain as the vehicle plunged into the gorge, according to eyewitnesses.
Mule was reportedly filming Shweta’s attempts at learning to drive, indicating her inexperience behind the wheel.
The Khutabad police reported, “Shweta Surwase attempted to drive while her friend Shivraj Mule recorded a video. She accidentally pressed the accelerator while the car was in reverse gear. The vehicle slid back, broke through a crash barrier, and plunged into the valley.” Rescuers took an hour to reach the accident site and the vehicle. Tragically, she was declared dead upon arrival at a nearby hospital.
This tragic event underscores the importance of exercising caution, especially when learning to drive in challenging terrain. It also serves as a stark reminder of the need for proper driving training and safety measures. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Shweta Deepak Surwase during this difficult time.
If you or someone you know is learning to drive, ensure they receive professional training and always prioritize safety. Share this story to raise awareness and prevent such heartbreaking accidents.