In a tragic turn of events, five individuals, including four children, were swept away by a waterfall in a “restricted area” near Bhushi Dam in Lonavala. The accident occurred approximately 2 kilometers from the dam, leading to a major rescue operation. On Monday, two more bodies were recovered, identified as nine-year-old Mariya Akil Sayyad and four-year-old Adnan Sabhahat Ansari, as confirmed by Police Inspector Suhas Jagtap of Lonavala city police station.
The incident had already claimed three lives on Sunday. The victims were identified as Ameena Salman, alias Adil Ansari, 13, her sister Umera Salman, alias Adil Ansari, 8, and a woman named Shahista Liyakat Ansari, 37. The search and rescue operation involved a team of rural police, INS Shivaji personnel, and members of Shivdurga Mitra Mandal
In response to the tragic incident, government officials and Pune rural police conducted a survey of hazardous spots in the region on Monday. The government plans to impose restrictions on entry to these areas during the rainy season to prevent such accidents in the future. A senior police officer mentioned that the district collector will soon issue orders prohibiting tourists from visiting certain dangerous spots in Lonavala after 6 p.m.
On Sunday, around 19 members of the families of Liyakat Ansari and Yunus Khan from Hadapsar in Pune visited Lonavala for monsoon tourism. Among them was a newlywed couple who had tied the knot on June 22. The group ventured to the waterfall behind Bhushi Dam. Initially, the water flow was manageable, but it intensified due to heavy rain, sweeping away ten tourists around 3 p.m.
Fortunately, five of them were rescued, but the other five were carried away into the reservoir connected to the dam. The area where the incident took place falls under the jurisdiction of Indian Railways and the Forest Department and is marked as a “restricted area.”
Following the incident, a meeting was convened by the District Collector with officials from the Railways, Forest Department, Pune rural police, Lonavala Municipal Council, and other relevant government departments. Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Satya Sai Karthik stated, “The place where the incident occurred is about two kilometers behind the Bhushi dam. There are signs installed indicating the area’s restricted status for tourists. We have identified several hazardous spots in Lonavala. Restrictions will be enforced at these locations as per the district collector’s prohibitory orders. We urge the public to exercise caution and adhere to the government’s restrictions while visiting.”
Farooq Inamdar, a former corporator from Hadapsar, expressed his condolences, saying, “The victims were relatives. The woman who perished worked as domestic help, and the parents of the children ran a small bakery business. Of the 19 individuals who visited Lonavala, one is from Uttar Pradesh, and the others have lived in Hadapsar for years. The recently married couple from Sayyad Nagar was also on the trip; they sustained injuries but are in stable condition.”
This tragic incident highlights the importance of adhering to safety guidelines and the need for stricter regulations to prevent such disasters.
The Lonavala tragedy underscores the necessity for stringent safety measures and public awareness regarding restricted areas. As the government takes steps to enhance safety, it is crucial for tourists to follow the guidelines and exercise caution. Stay informed about the latest restrictions and updates to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience during your travels.