Suraj Chavan, a social media influencer and content creator, secured victory at the grand finale of Bigg Boss Marathi Season 5, taking home the top prize on Sunday night. Along with the coveted trophy, Chavan earned ₹14.6 lakh in prize money, a ₹10 lakh jewelry voucher, and a two-wheeler vehicle, as reported by Money Control. Singer Abhijeet Sawant was named the first runner-up, while actress Nikki Tamboli took the third spot in this much-anticipated finale. Other finalists included social media influencer Dhananjay Powar and YouTuber Ankita Prabhu-Walawalkar.
A Night of Glitz and Celebration
The grand finale, hosted by actor Riteish Deshmukh, was filled with high-energy performances, emotions, and celebrations. Fans were treated to an entertaining night as the contestants and their journeys on the show came to an end. Deshmukh took to Instagram to express his appreciation for the audience’s unwavering support. Sharing pictures from the event, he began by congratulating Suraj Chavan for his victory and commended Abhijeet Sawant for his strong presence throughout the season.
Deshmukh wrote, “What an incredible night, what an incredible season. It all came to an end tonight – Suraj Chavan was the much-deserved winner, and Abhijeet Sawant won a million hearts too.”
Suraj Chavan’s Winning Moment
Suraj Chavan, who entered the competition as a social media influencer, built a strong fan base with his charisma and gameplay. His victory not only brought him fame but also a substantial reward package. Winning ₹14.6 lahks in prize money, along with a ₹10 lakh jewellery voucher and a two-wheeler, was the cherry on top of his Bigg Boss journey. His triumph marks a significant achievement for influencers in the world of reality television.
Abhijeet Sawant Wins Hearts
Abhijeet Sawant, the first runner-up, may not have taken home the trophy, but he left a lasting impact on the audience. Known for his impressive musical talent and grace, he earned the admiration of fans, with many praising his journey on social media. Even Deshmukh acknowledged the singer’s contribution, writing, “Abhijeet Sawant has won a million hearts.”
Riteish Deshmukh Reflects on the Experience
Hosting Bigg Boss Marathi was not only a professional endeavor for Riteish Deshmukh but also a personal journey. Describing the experience as a “huge responsibility,” Deshmukh expressed his gratitude to the viewers. He said, “Hosting biggbossmarathi was a huge responsibility.. The response and the love showered by the audience was just unimaginable, I humbly bow down to express my gratitude to the people of Maharashtra and all the audiences across India who have watched the show.”
Deshmukh went on to credit the success of the season to the contestants, stating that their energy and commitment were the true driving forces behind the show’s popularity. “The credit goes to all the awesome contestants who were truly the soul of the show. This wouldn’t have been possible without great teamwork.”
A Personal Note of Gratitude
Riteish also took a moment to thank his wife, actress Genelia D’Souza, calling her his “backbone” and “support system” throughout the season. His heartfelt tribute resonated with fans and added a personal touch to the celebratory night.
Responses From Fellow Contestants
Abhijeet Sawant was quick to respond to Deshmukh’s post, writing, “Thank you so much sir.” The love and camaraderie among the contestants were further highlighted when Bigg Boss OTT 1 contestant Divyaa Agarwal commented, “I remember when you came to our season finale with so much grace with your baico! You did so well in this season very lucky to have met you!”
A Season to Remember
The fifth season of Bigg Boss Marathi has come to an exciting close, with Suraj Chavan’s victory marking a new chapter in his career. Abhijeet Sawant, though falling short of the trophy, proved his mettle and won hearts. As the contestants leave the house, the audience is left with unforgettable memories of their favourite moments and a promise of another thrilling season ahead.
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