A catastrophic event struck Navi Mumbai’s Shahbaz village as a three-story building collapsed early on July 27, according to ANI. Numerous residents are feared trapped beneath the debris, with the police, fire brigade, and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) actively engaged in rescue efforts.
Rescue Operations in Full Swing
Kailas Shinde, Commissioner of the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, informed ANI that the building came down around 5 am today. “It is a G+3 building. Two people have been rescued and two are likely trapped. The NDRF team is here, and the rescue operation is underway,” he stated.
Uncertainty Over the Number of Trapped Individuals
An NDRF official revealed to PTI that one person is believed to be trapped under the rubble. “Efforts are on to safely bring out another one, who is feared trapped under the debris,” the official mentioned. Navi Mumbai Deputy Fire Officer Purushottam Jadhav added to ANI, “We received a call about a building collapse at 4.50 am. Two people have been rescued. Two people are likely to be trapped, and the rescue operation is underway to rescue them.”
Previous Incident Amid Heavy Rains
This incident follows a similar tragedy on July 20, when the balcony of the Rubina Manzil building on Mumbai’s Grant Road collapsed at 11 am, resulting in one death and 13 injuries. The continuous heavy rainfall in the region has caused severe disruptions, including traffic snarls and interrupted local train services, according to ANI.
Weather Woes Continue
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for Madhya Maharashtra, predicting continuous heavy rainfall until July 28. Several regions in Maharashtra, including Mumbai, are grappling with severe waterlogging and extensive traffic disruptions due to the relentless downpours.
The rescue operations in Navi Mumbai’s Shahbaz village are ongoing, with the NDRF, fire brigade, and police working tirelessly to save those trapped. The heavy rains continue to batter Maharashtra, exacerbating the challenges faced by rescue teams and residents alike.
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