Indian Railways and IRCTC have launched a comprehensive initiative to ensure the quality and quantity of food and beverages served aboard long-distance trains and at railway station food stalls. This move, initiated on June 14 following directives from the Railway Board, aims to address recent complaints regarding food standards and vendor pricing.
According to railway sources, the decision to conduct a 15-day inspection campaign inside long-distance trains stemmed from a surge in passenger grievances over food quality and vendor misconduct. Starting June 24, this scrutiny will extend to stationary units at railway stations.
Western Railway has assembled a dedicated team of 20 inspectors tasked with evaluating pantry cars and vendors across more than 60 trains, including prestigious services like Rajdhani, Vande Bharat, Shatabdi, and Tejas. A senior official from Western Railway affirmed that the ongoing inspections encompass a thorough assessment of meal quality, portion sizes, the availability of Railneer, and compliance with mandatory service standards by pantry cars and onboard vendors.
“As part of this initiative, catering services on 101 trains have already undergone scrutiny, with corrective actions planned against any licensees found in violation of regulations,” stated the official. In addition to quality checks, the campaign also focuses on educating catering staff about hygiene, equipment maintenance, and safety protocols, particularly emphasizing fire prevention and response measures during train operations.
The inspection framework targets six key areas of service deficiencies, both onboard trains and at railway stations. Among these are the compulsory display of menu cards for transparency and ensuring that tea cups meet a minimum capacity of 150 ml.
The joint efforts of Indian Railways and IRCTC underline their commitment to enhancing passenger experience by addressing long-standing concerns related to onboard catering. By implementing stringent inspections and enforcing compliance with quality standards, they aim to restore confidence among travelers regarding food and beverage services on trains and at stations.
With these proactive measures in place, passengers can expect improved standards in onboard catering.
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