In a tragic incident in Siliguri, West Bengal, the Kanchanjunga Express, en route to Kolkata, collided with a goods train, resulting in the deaths of five individuals. The collision took place near Siliguri, and initial reports did not indicate any casualties. However, subsequent updates have confirmed the unfortunate loss of lives.
The incident has caused significant disruption to rail traffic in the region, with emergency services rushing to the scene to provide assistance and carry out rescue operations. The authorities are investigating the cause of the accident to determine what led to the collision between the passenger and goods trains.
This tragic event has left the community in shock and mourning, as efforts continue to support the affected families and ensure the safety of rail operations in the future.
Below are some of the popular tweets where people have shared their opinions on the accident.
Help Desk number at Sealdah in connection with the Kanchanjunga train collision:
Help Desk number at Sealdah
Helpline No. GHY Station