D Y Patil Hospital Receives Bomb Threat, Evacuation and Search in Progress
Mumbai’s D Y Patil Hospital found itself in a state of heightened alert after receiving a bomb threat earlier today. Authorities responded immediately, initiating an evacuation of the hospital premises and commencing a thorough search. The Mumbai Police, alongside bomb disposal units and K9 teams, swept the area to ensure public safety and secure the premises.
The hospital, a well-known facility with hundreds of patients, staff, and visitors at any given time, faced an unprecedented challenge with the evacuation. Patients were moved to nearby facilities while authorities scoured every corner for potential hazards. As the search continued, police issued a public advisory, urging people to avoid the area and remain calm. The threat has disrupted daily operations and caused considerable alarm among those with loved ones at the facility.
Though no explosive devices have been found yet, the police are treating the threat seriously and investigating the origin of the call. Authorities are working to trace any suspects linked to the threat and will maintain a heightened security presence in the area until they are confident there is no further danger.