Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun has been arrested in connection with a stampede at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre, which tragically claimed the life of a woman and left her son hospitalized. His uncle, Pawan Kalyan, rushed to his residence amid the unfolding developments.
The Incident
On December 4, fans gathered in droves at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad, hoping to catch a glimpse of Allu Arjun. The massive crowd quickly turned into chaos, leading to a stampede. Tragically, 39-year-old Revathi lost her life due to asphyxiation, while her 8-year-old son sustained injuries and was hospitalized.
The heartbreaking event prompted Revathi’s family to file a formal complaint. Hyderabad police registered a case on December 5 against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre’s management, citing negligence as the primary factor contributing to the tragedy.
Arrest and Investigation
Following the complaint, Allu Arjun was taken into custody for questioning and transported to the Chikkadapally police station. Police are reportedly investigating his role in managing the event and whether adequate safety measures were implemented.
A source from the investigation stated, “The crowd at the event far exceeded what the venue could handle. We are examining the responsibilities of all parties involved, including the actor, his security team, and the theatre management.”
Pawan Kalyan’s Visit
The situation escalated as Allu Arjun’s uncle, actor and politician Pawan Kalyan, rushed to his residence soon after the news broke. His visit sparked speculation about his involvement in resolving the crisis, with some suggesting he might assist in navigating the legal and public fallout from the incident.
Legal Implications
This incident has ignited debates about accountability in high-profile celebrity events. Critics argue that better crowd control measures could have prevented the tragedy, while fans have taken to social media, showing mixed reactions to the actor’s arrest.
A police official added, “We are committed to ensuring justice for the victims and will take appropriate action based on our findings.”
A Grim Reminder
The tragic stampede serves as a stark reminder of the responsibilities that come with public events. Whether it was a lapse in planning or sheer mismanagement, the incident highlights the urgent need for stricter safety protocols in large gatherings.
As investigations unfold, fans and the public await clarity on the roles of all parties involved in this devastating incident.