In an alarming escalation of violence against women, Madhya Pradesh has witnessed two brutal assaults: one in Rewa and another in Indore, pushing the state into the spotlight once again. These recent incidents follow the tragic 2023 Ujjain case, where a young girl suffered horrific abuse. Public outcry is intensifying as these crimes highlight continued threats to women’s safety in the region, further inflamed by political disagreements.
Double Cases of Assault Expose Vulnerabilities in Madhya Pradesh
In Rewa, a horrifying gang rape took place at a secluded picnic spot. The couple involved was visiting a temple when they were accosted by a group of men. Shockingly, the husband was tied to a tree while his wife was subjected to gang rape. The perpetrators went further, filming the assault and threatening the couple with online exposure if they reported the crime. The attack, which took place on October 21, resulted in a police complaint the following day, leading to multiple arrests of suspected assailants.
Meanwhile, in Indore, another harrowing case emerged, involving a neurodivergent woman who fell victim to a sexual assault by a daily wage laborer. Early on Tuesday morning, CCTV footage captured the vulnerable woman, visibly distressed and bleeding, wandering the streets near Sadar Bazaar around 3:45 a.m. The footage revealed her being approached by a man, identified as Sonu, who subsequently led her to an isolated waste treatment facility. Police action followed promptly after Sonu was seen on footage, and he later confessed to the crime.
Political Fallout and Public Outcry
The assaults have stirred significant political backlash. Congress party officials are criticizing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government’s inability to prevent such incidents. Jitu Patwari, Madhya Pradesh Congress Chief, expressed his condemnation on social media, referencing the horrific state in which the victim in Indore was found. Patwari lashed out at the ruling BJP, accusing Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan of negligence. “The daughter is naked on the road while the Chief Minister is busy at an event,” he stated, drawing a parallel to Draupadi’s disrobing in the Mahabharata, asking, “Can’t the Chief Minister who considers himself ‘God’ see the disrobing of Draupadi?”
Patwari’s comments reference the Ladli Behna Yojana, a women’s welfare initiative launched by Chouhan’s predecessor, Shivraj Chouhan, and designed to offer financial support to women across the state. Although the initiative contributed to the BJP’s electoral success, incidents such as these have sparked skepticism over its effectiveness in safeguarding women’s safety.
BJP Defends its Record on Women’s Welfare and Crime
In response to the Congress’s criticism, BJP’s Junior Minister Narendra Shivaji Patel reiterated that swift action had been taken, with arrests made in both cases. Patel stressed the BJP’s commitment to women’s safety and sensitivity in handling cases involving neurodivergent individuals, highlighting the efforts of the Social Justice and Welfare Department. “The law will teach the accused a lesson… they will not be spared,” Patel asserted, pledging that the government remains dedicated to preventing similar incidents. He emphasized the BJP’s welfare initiatives for neurodivergent individuals, which remain active across various cities, stating that the welfare department is fulfilling its duties diligently.
Conclusion and Call for Accountability
These appalling incidents underscore the urgent need for more effective measures to protect women and vulnerable populations across the state. As both political parties address the fallout, citizens are left questioning the effectiveness of current safety policies. The spotlight remains on the Madhya Pradesh government to enforce stricter laws and ensure timely justice. The recent crimes in Rewa and Indore signal a pressing demand for accountability and a renewed focus on women’s welfare and security in the state.