The much-anticipated trailer for Singham Again, directed by Rohit Shetty, has finally dropped, igniting excitement across the Singham fan base. With Ajay Devgn returning as the tough cop Bajirao Singham, this third installment of the franchise introduces Deepika Padukone in the empowering role of Lady Singham. The film also features Bollywood heavyweights Ranveer Singh as Simmba, Akshay Kumar as Sooryavanshi, and Arjun Kapoor as the villain, promising an action-packed story inspired by the Ramayana. However, reactions to Deepika’s performance have been mixed, with some fans expressing disappointment, while others appreciate her bold new addition to the Singham universe.
The trailer for Singham Again has finally dropped, sparking a wave of excitement among fans of the franchise. Directed by action master Rohit Shetty, this film marks the third installment in the Singham series. Starring Ajay Devgn as the tough and fearless cop Bajirao Singham, the film also introduces Deepika Padukone as Lady Singham, a role many had eagerly anticipated. The trailer also showcases Bollywood heavyweights Ranveer Singh as Simmba, Akshay Kumar as Sooryavanshi, and Arjun Kapoor as the villain. With the plot reportedly inspired by the Ramayana, this action-packed film promises intense sequences and high drama, alongside appearances from stars like Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tiger Shroff.
However, while the star-studded cast has created a buzz, it’s Deepika Padukone’s performance in the trailer that’s drawing the most attention—and not for the right reasons.
Fans Unimpressed by Deepika’s Portrayal
Despite the excitement surrounding her entry into the Singham universe, Deepika Padukone’s role has left many viewers underwhelmed. Fans had high expectations for her portrayal of Lady Singham, a character that was seen as a fresh and empowering addition to the franchise. However, the reality, as seen in the trailer, didn’t quite meet these expectations.
“Her performance feels forced,” one fan commented on social media, while others echoed similar sentiments. Many fans took to Twitter to express their disappointment, with some describing her role as “stereotyped.” The criticism largely centers around her performance and accent, with some viewers comparing her delivery to her character Meenamma from Rohit Shetty’s Chennai Express. This comparison has not played well with fans, who expected a more distinct and powerful portrayal from Padukone in such a major role.
Fans Call Deepika’s Performance “Cringe”
The word “cringe” has popped up frequently in online discussions about Deepika’s character. Fans have pointed out that her scenes in the trailer lacked the punch needed to match the high-energy performances of her co-stars. While Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, and Akshay Kumar have all reprised their iconic roles with strong, action-driven performances, Padukone’s character didn’t deliver the same impact.
“She just doesn’t fit in,” said one critic on YouTube. Others also highlighted the contrast between her character and that of Ajay Devgn, whose fierce persona as Bajirao Singham has been a staple of the series. Many viewers were left feeling that while Devgn’s return was as powerful as expected, Deepika’s portrayal simply didn’t live up to the hype.
Still a Blockbuster in the Making?
Despite the criticism surrounding Deepika Padukone’s character, the film itself is still poised to be a box-office hit. The Singham franchise has a dedicated fan base, and with a cast that includes Bollywood’s biggest names, Singham Again is likely to draw huge crowds.
The trailer’s release has already sparked a lot of excitement online, with fans praising the action sequences and the ensemble cast. With a storyline inspired by the Ramayana, the film promises to offer more than just typical Bollywood action, incorporating mythological themes that add depth to the plot.
Will Deepika Bounce Back?
While the trailer may have left some fans unimpressed with her role, there’s still hope that Deepika Padukone’s full performance will offer more when the film is released. As an actress known for her versatility, Padukone has taken on a wide range of roles throughout her career, from action-packed to emotionally charged performances. Whether she can silence the critics once the full movie is out remains to be seen, but for now, fans are left wondering if her portrayal of Lady Singham will evolve beyond what was shown in the trailer.
In the meantime, Singham Again continues to build anticipation as it gears up for its official release. Whether or not Deepika’s performance will be a turning point remains one of the biggest questions surrounding the film’s success.
The trailer for Singham Again has generated a mix of excitement and disappointment. While the film boasts an impressive cast and promises an action-packed experience, Deepika Padukone’s portrayal of Lady Singham has left some fans feeling let down. Despite this, the movie’s release is still highly anticipated, and fans of the franchise will no doubt flock to cinemas to see the latest chapter of Rohit Shetty’s Singham saga.
Are you excited for Singham Again despite the criticism? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!