In a heartbreaking incident on Wednesday, a double-decker sleeper bus collided with a milk tanker on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway, leading to the tragic death of 18 individuals and injuring several others. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his condolences and announced an ex-gratia of Rs. 2 lakh from the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) for the next of kin of each deceased. The injured will receive Rs. 50,000.
According to reports, the collision occurred around 5 am near Jojikot village in the Behta Mujhawar police station area. District Magistrate Gaurang Rathi stated that the bus, en route to Delhi from Motihari in Bihar, was allegedly speeding and rear-ended the milk tanker. The impact of the crash caused both vehicles to overturn.
“14 men, three women, and a child lost their lives in this tragic incident,” reported Additional Director General of Police, Lucknow, S B Shiradkar. Bangarmau Circle Officer Arvind Kumar added that both drivers were among the deceased. “On receiving the information of the incident, police reached the spot, took out all the injured, and admitted them to CHC Bangarmau for treatment, and necessary action is being taken by taking the bodies in custody,” Behtamujawar police told ANI.
The injured were immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, where their condition is currently stable. Efforts are underway to identify the victims.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed his sorrow and instructed officials to ensure the best possible treatment for the injured. “The loss of lives in a road accident in Unnao district is extremely sad and heartbreaking. My condolences are with the bereaved families,” he shared in a post on X. He further added, “District administration officials have been instructed to reach the spot and expedite the relief work. I pray to Lord Shri Ram to grant a place to the departed souls at his feet and for the speedy recovery of the injured.”
The Prime Minister’s announcement of ex-gratia aims to provide some financial relief to the families affected by this tragedy. A probe has been launched to investigate the cause of the accident, ensuring that justice and accountability are upheld.
This incident serves as a grim reminder of the importance of road safety and adherence to traffic regulations. The loss of 18 lives on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway underscores the need for stricter enforcement of speed limits and safety measures to prevent such devastating accidents in the future.
Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of those who perished in this tragic accident. As investigations continue, it is imperative that measures are put in place to prevent similar incidents. Road safety is a collective responsibility, and adherence to traffic laws can save lives.
Stay informed and follow updates on this incident. Share your thoughts and condolences with the affected families. Let’s work together to promote road safety and prevent future tragedies.