New Delhi: A jewelry shop in Jaipur deceived a US tourist into purchasing fake jewelry worth Rs 300 for an astonishing Rs 6 crore. US national Cherish was charged this exorbitant amount for silver jewelry with gold polish from a store in Jaipur’s Johri Bazaar. The deception was uncovered when the jewelry was displayed at an exhibition in the US in April this year.
Confrontation at the Shop
When Cherish realized her jewelry was counterfeit, she flew to India to confront the shop owner. However, the accused jeweler initiated a fight and dismissed her claims. Following the confrontation, Gaurav also filed a case against the foreign woman. The US Embassy naturally intervened, prompting the Jaipur Police to launch a probe to apprehend the swindlers, who are currently on the run.
“According to what the woman told the police, in 2022, she connected with Gaurav Soni on Instagram.” Officials stated that she spent ₹6 crore on artificial ornaments over the past two years.
Police Investigation
Following the embassy’s complaint, the Jaipur Police discovered that fake jewelry was being sold fraudulently. Nand Kishore, who issued the fake certificates, has been taken into custody, but the father and son remain at large. Investigations revealed that the accused charged Rs 6 crore to the foreigner for silver jewelry with gold polish, valued at Rs 300. They also provided her with a certificate of authenticity. Police disclosed that the accused recently purchased a three-crore flat in Jaipur’s C Scheme neighborhood. Special teams have been formed to locate and arrest the absconding accused.